Nerve Pain

Nerve Pain

About 18 results.

Chiropractic consultation with treatment if necessary

Chiropractic consultation with treatment if necessary

Pain Physicians NY (Brooklyn NYC) offer best in class treatment: Latest Cutting Edge, Non-Invasive Disc Decompression Procedure, Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Injections for Discogenic low back pain, Body Composition Analysis, High Tech Shockwave Therapy, gr…

TENS Unit – Electronic Pain Relief Physiotherapy Machine

Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) Unit delivers electric pulses to the skin to relieve back pain. UltracarePro

Low Back Pain

Low Back Pain

NYC’s Best Lower Spine SpecialistsNew York Pain Care has some of the country’s top back pain specialists to treat your lower back pain. Whether you suffered an accident or have a chronic medical condition, these NYC lower back pain specialists deliver a t…

Cervical Epidural Steroid Injection in NYC

Cervical Epidural Steroid Injection in NYC

Physical therapy and other treatments for neck pain can take time. But you don’t have to suffer with cervical pain while you undergo therapy. Instead of waiting for the pain and discomfort to go away before you get some relief, deal with it first. Thanks …

Pain Management Treatment from Redefine Healthcare

Pain Management Treatment from Redefine Healthcare

Pain ManagementPain can interfere with your life at any age and for a variety of reasons. Whether you’re an avid runner who can barely walk now due to runner’s knee or a senior with recurring hip pain after a fall, the best pain doctor and the team of pai…

Sciatica Treatment

Sciatica Treatment

What Are The Symptoms Of Sciatica?The classic sciatica symptom is pain that starts in the lower back and radiates (travels) to the buttock and down the back of the leg possibly to include the foot and toes. The pain may be felt anywhere along this path bu…



Sciatica, or Lumbar Radiculopathy, is an irritation or compression of the sciatic nerve roots in the lumbar spine. Most commonly, sciatica causes lower back pain and pain that radiates down the leg. Because the sciatic nerve roots in the lumbar spine exte…

Sciatica Treatment

Sciatica Treatment

Sciatica symptoms can be debilitating and shouldn’t be underestimated as they can signal a serious underlying problem. Our best-in-class sciatica doctors in New Jersey, including physical medicine and rehabilitation physicians, have successfully treated t…

Wrist Pain Treatment

Wrist Pain Treatment

You can hurt your wrist in countless ways. And once you do, your ability to do almost everything is greatly diminished, because of the wrist pain. Additionally, diseases and medical conditions can affect this small but vital joint. With interventional pai…

Neck Pain Treatment

Neck Pain Treatment

Neck pain is a common complaint and can be caused by various injuries or strains. For some patients, neck pain is acute, lasting a short period of time and often recovers on it's own with rest. For others, chronic neck pain can be a serious problem.Neck p…

Neck Pain

Neck Pain

Any part of your neck – muscles, bones, joints, tendons, ligaments, or nerves – can cause neck problems. Neck pain is very common. Pain may also come from your shoulder, jaw, head, or upper arms. Board Certified Specialists at Precision Pain Medicine &amp…

Herniated Disc

Herniated Disc

Your spine is made up of 24 individual bones known as vertebrae. In between each vertebra there is an intervertebral disk, which is a strong small disc with a softer center encased within a tougher exterior. These spinal discs act as a shock absorber, the…

Herniated discs

Herniated discs

A herniated disc, also referred to as a slipped disc, ruptured disc, or disc herniation, is one of the most common causes of back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain and arm pain. Often, people visit a spine specialist for back pain or neck pain and unknowingl…

Epidural Steroid Injections

Epidural Steroid Injections

Back and nerve pain is difficult to deal with. It causes a lack of concentration, makes it difficult to sleep, and generally takes up space in your mind and consumes your thoughts. An epidural steroid injection is a solution for pain relief from your pain…

Lumbar Epidural Steroid Injection in NYC

Lumbar Epidural Steroid Injection in NYC

Lower back pain is one of the most common complaints pain doctors hear every year. According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, about 80 percent of the U.S. population experiences lower back pain at some point in their lives. …



When damage or disease causes the bones or soft tissue in your back to press against the nerves running through your spine, pain results. Sometimes, you can follow your NJ orthopedic doctor’s advice and treat the nerve compression with non-invasive treatm…

Back Pain Treatment

Back Pain Treatment

Back pain lives with you every day. Deal with it now, before it worsens and leads to reduced mobility. Our doctors that specialize in back pain never offer a cookie-cutter solution, pain management NY has become one of the most trusted pain management cen…

Knee Pain Treatment

Knee Pain Treatment

Your knee is a complex part of your anatomy. It is tough and flexible. As you age it becomes more vulnerable to stress and damage. Seek pain relief from experienced, nationally recognized doctors in pain management in New York. You’ll have access to the m…

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